to the internet home of Gary E. Cooke II and to Cooke's Law. Mr.
Cooke is an attorney in Chicago where he has been practicing law
since 1988. He wants to bring his experience and expertise to you
and your business through the Internet and in person.
Law was created to complement Mr. Cooke's services and to enable
you to take advantage of Mr. Cooke's experience, use of technology
and organization.
Throughout Cooke's Law you will find information about Mr. Cooke,
possible answers to questions you may have, general legal (non-advice)
discussions, Webcasts, forms and links to additional information.
a moment to learn how to use Cooke's Law and feel free to contact
Mr. Cooke directly.
Mr. Cooke is
licensed to practice law in Illinois. Some documentation offered
on this site is not state specific and Mr. Cooke makes no representations,
warranties or guarantees that such products are valid for your particular
purposes in your location. Check the Terms & Conditions for
additional material. By using Cooke's Law you agree to the Terms
& Conditions