Business Planning involves understanding all of the various aspects
of your business and utilizing that knowledge to improve products
or services, sell more and grow the business.
a small business owner shares many of the evaluation concepts with
a larger business in strategic analysis, the small business has
options and alternatives limited by its market and competitive position.
However, small business planning can sometimes be less cumbersome
because there are fewer different constituencies to satisfy and
strategy development and implementation are carried out by the same
many instances, small business planning includes planning that includes
family members and family dynamics. Are any of the children involved
in the business or do they want to be involved in the business?
is, however, important to identify the various factors that impact
on your business and strategy development, including the legal alternatives
and implications.
Please feel
free to contact Mr. Cooke at (312) 497-9002 or email him at ""
to discuss your small business' needs.
Cooke's fee is $300.00 per hour.